That Council direct staff to engage with staff at the City of Owen Sound to explore feasibility of assuming the responsibility, administration and management of the City water supplies that exist in the Veterans subdivision of Brooke, with the installation of a bulk water meter, and,
That staff work with City staff in developing an agreement that the Township may extend this service, at the Townships cost, to Atkins Drive, and,
That if it is possible, that such a service includes fire suppression along the length of the new water infrastructure corridor and,
That staff will negotiate a proposed connection fee from the City of Owen Sound for establishing 25 new connections to the City water system, and,
That only those residents connected to the Pottawatomi Municipal Supply will be connected to an alternative supply at this time, and,
That staff be directed to organize and host a community meeting with residents on Atkins Street to answer questions in respect to water supplies, and,
That staff be directed to engage GSS Engineering as part of the East Linton Master Servicing project to undertake a design process and costing exercise for a supply and,
That staff bring back a report as part of budget 2024 on potential costs, funding avenues and timelines for a new service to be established.