It has been demonstrated that application B28/24 for Glen Catto for lands described as Part Lots 4 and 5, Con 1 NCD, Part Lots 2, 3, and 5, Conc 1 NCD, and Lot 4, Con 2 NCD, Geographic Township of Derby, Township of Georgian Bluffs, County of Grey, is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement, conforms to the County of Grey’s Official Plan, complies with the intent of the Township of Georgian Bluffs’ Zoning By-law and does not conflict with the Niagara Escarpment Plan. It is recommended that the application be approved subject to the conditions noted below:
- That a Reference Plan be completed, and a copy filed with the Municipal Clerk or an exemption from the Reference Plan be received from the Land Registry Office. The Reference Plan should conform substantially to the sketch (Schedule ‘A’) filed with the Application for Consent.
- That, pursuant to Section 53(42) of the Planning Act, the ‘Certificate of Consent’ be affixed to the deed within two years of the giving of the Notice of Decision.
- That the applicant pays the applicable consent certification fee at the time of certification of the deeds.
- That the applicant pays 5% cash-in-lieu of parkland in accordance with the Planning Act.
- That a supporting Zoning By-law Amendment be in force and effect to re-zone the proposed retained lands to include a Holding (-h) symbol in addition to the current zoning. The Holding (-h) symbol can only be lifted upon submission of an Archaeological Assessment and an Acknowledgement Letter from the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, completed to the satisfaction of Saugeen Ojibway Nation.
- That a Road Widening of 5.18 m be conveyed to the County of Grey along the County Road frontage.