Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda

Council Chambers
Township Administration Offices
177964 Grey Road 18, RR#3, Owen Sound ON N4K 5N5

Council Chambers

Township Administration Offices
177964 Grey Road 18, RR#3, Owen Sound ON N4K 5N5

Council Chambers are open to the public. To watch this meeting virtually, visit the Township of Georgian Bluffs' Council YouTube Channel 


This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge with respect, the history, spirituality, and culture of the Anishinaabek: The People of the Three Fires known as Ojibway, Odawa, and Pottawatomi Nation, who have inhabited this land from time immemorial. And further give thanks to the Chippewas of Saugeen, and the Chippewas of Nawash, now known as the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, as the traditional keepers of this land. We also recognize, the Metis and Inuit whose ancestors shared this land and these waters. May we all, as Treaty People, live with respect on this land, and live-in peace and friendship with all its diverse peoples.

  • Recommendation:

    That the agenda be approved as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Council meeting held on November 6, 2024, be adopted.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on November 12, 2024, be adopted.

Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item on the agenda shall make written application to the Clerk, by 3:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. To register: or call the Clerk's Office at 519-376-2729 ext. 603.

Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item not on the agenda may make written application to the Clerk, by the Thursday preceding the meeting they wish to speak at. To register: or all the Clerk's Office at 519-376-2729 ext. 603.


  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on November 13, 2024, be adopted, including recommendations COW2024-111 to COW2024-118.

Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

That the regular meeting of Committee of the Whole be recessed to hold a public hearing for Zoning By-law Amendment Z-07-24 for 2036595 Ontario Inc / Stephan Barclay.



Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice

That staff report DEV2024-058 - Z07/24 Barclay Public Meeting be received for information related to the November 13, 2024, Public Meeting.



Moved By: Councillor Tobin Day
Seconded By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice

The public hearing was adjourned at 5:14 p.m.



Moved By: Mayor Sue Carleton
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

That the “View from the Top Strategic Plan 2025 – 2030” as appended to report CAO2024-035 be approved; and

That staff be directed to present a by-law to adopt the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan at a future meeting of Council.



Moved By: Councillor Tobin Day
Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson

That staff report DEV2024-059, Shared Building Services with the City of Owen Sound be received for information, and;

That pending discussion and approval by the City of Owen Sound Council, staff be directed to transition the Shared Building Services pilot program with the City of Owen Sound into a full Shared Service for the provision of Building Services, and;

That pending discussion and approval by the City of Owen Sound Council, staff be directed to present an agreement and corresponding by-law for the provision of Shared Building Services with the City of Owen Sound, as per this report, to be reviewed annually.



Moved By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice
Seconded By: Councillor Rick Winters

That report COR2024-045 - Surplus Scrap Metal be received; and

That Staff be directed to enter into an agreement with All Ontario Recycling for the sale of surplus scrap metal, machinery, and equipment with All Ontario Recycling to be responsible for all costs associated with the removal of the surplus scrap metal and related waste materials.



Moved By: Councillor Tobin Day
Seconded By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice

That report COR2024-046 be received; and

That staff be directed to present an amending By-Law to enact updates to By-Law 2019-125 - Procedure By-Law as presented in Schedule “A”.



Moved By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice
Seconded By: Mayor Sue Carleton

That the Communications Policy and Social Media Use Policies as appended to report COR2024-047 be approved to establish consistent, strategic approaches for public communication and social media engagement; and

That staff be directed to present a By-Law to adopt the policies at a future meeting of Council.



  • Recommendation:

    That Council receive report COR2024-048 for information; and

    That staff be directed to incorporate the proposed 2025 Cemetery Fee Structure in the draft 2025 Fees & Charges By-Law.



Further to report CAO2024-024 and recommendation COW2024-093 approved at the October 2, 2024 Special Committee of the Whole meeting: Committee of the Whole - October 02, 2024 

Being a By-law to authorize cost recovery (fees) with respect to the fire department specific response.   

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-058, being a By-law to authorize cost recovery (fees) with respect to the fire department specific response, be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Further to report CAO2024-024 and recommendation COW2024-093 approved at the October 2, 2024 Special Committee of the Whole meeting: Committee of the Whole - October 02, 2024 

Being a By-law to authorize an Agency Agreement with Fire Marque Inc.   

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-059, being a By-law to authorize an Agency Agreement with Fire Marque Inc, be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Further to report CES2023-015 and recommendation COW2023-080 approved at the Committee of the Whole meeting: Committee of the Whole - July 19, 2023

Being a By-law to designate certain roads as forming a School Zone and authorize the required speed limit reductions.   

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-060, being a By-law to designate certain roads as forming a School Zone and authorize the required speed limit reductions, be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Further to report COR2024-047 and recommendation COW2024-117 approved at the November 13, 2024, Committee of the Whole meeting: Committee of the Whole - November 13, 2024

Being a By-law to amend Procedure By-Law 2019-125.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-061, being a By-law to amend Procedure By-Law 2019-125, be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.



  • Recommendation:

    That By-law No. 2024-062, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on November 20, 2024, be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Committee of the Whole - Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Council - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.