Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda

Council Chambers
Township Administration Offices
177964 Grey Road 18, RR#3, Owen Sound ON N4K 5N5
Council Chambers
Township Administration Offices
177964 Grey Road 18, RR#3, Owen Sound ON N4K 5N5

Council Chambers is open to the public. Should you wish to participate electronically, contact the Clerk at [email protected]​​

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

To be read by Councillor Cathy Moore Coburn:

In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge with respect, the history, spirituality, and culture of the Anishinaabek: The People of the Three Fires known as Ojibway, Odawa, and Pottawatomi Nation, who have inhabited this land from time immemorial. And further give thanks to the Chippewas of Saugeen, and the Chippewas of Nawash, now known as the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, as the traditional keepers of this land. We also recognize, the Metis and Inuit whose ancestors shared this land and these waters. May we all, as Treaty People, live with respect on this land, and live-in peace and friendship with all its diverse peoples.

  • Recommendation:

    That the agenda be approved as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes from the Special County of Grey Joint All Council Meeting from August 8, 2024, be approved. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Council meeting held on July 17, 2024, be adopted.

Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item on the agenda shall make written application to the Clerk, by 3:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. To register: or call the Clerk's Office at 519-376-2729 ext. 603.

Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item not on the agenda may make written application to the Clerk, by the Thursday preceding the meeting they wish to speak at. To register: or all the Clerk's Office at 519-376-2729 ext. 603.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the Consent Agenda for information, as circulated, less items _____________. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on September 4, 2024, be adopted, including recommendations COW2024-076 to COW2024-088.

Moved By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

That the agenda be approved as presented.



Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice

That the regular meeting of Committee of the Whole be recessed to hold the following public hearings:

  1. Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Z03-24 for Kevin Kirk; and
  2. Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Z04-24 for Perminder Chattha and Colleen Newel.



Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice

Whereas it has been demonstrated that Application Z-03-24 for Kevin Kirk, which proposes to recognize a reduced lot area and lot frontage for both the retained and severed parcels, restrict residential uses on a farm lot associated with a surplus farm dwelling severance and place a Holding (H) provision on the retained lands requiring an archaeological assessment for any structural development within 300 metres of the Mountain Lake is consistent with the Ontario Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, the Grey County Official Plan and the general intent and nature of the Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law.

Now therefore, subject to a review of comments arising at the public meeting, it is recommended that Application Z-03-24 be approved, and the amending by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption.



Moved By: Councillor Tobin Day
Seconded By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice

The public hearing was adjourned at 5:11 p.m.



Moved By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice
Seconded By: Councillor Cathy Moore Coburn

Whereas it has been demonstrated that Application Z04/24 for Perminder Chattha and Colleen Newell, which proposes to:

  1. Rezone a portion of the subject lands from Shoreline Residential (SR) to Environmental Protection (EP) to reflect updated mapping provided by the Grey Sauble conservation Authority, and;
  2. Add a special provision to the Shoreline Residential (SR) zone for lots 1 and 2 to reduce the access allowance from the 100-year high water floodline from 15 metres to 4 metres, and;
  3. Add a holding (h) symbol to the Shoreline Residential zone that would require that Site Plan Agreements are registered on the subject lands to reflect the recommendations of various background studies that were prepared in support of the associated severance applications.

is consistent with the Ontario Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, the Grey County Official Plan and the general intent and nature of the Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law.

Now therefore subject to a review of comments arising at the public meeting, it is recommended that Application Z04/24 be approved, and the amending by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption.



Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

That the public hearing be adjourned at 5:35 p.m.



Moved By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice
Seconded By: Councillor Rick Winters

That the order of business be amended to consider item 9.1.1. CAO2024-016 - Fire Prevention Mid-Year Report 2024 immediately following the delegation by Greg Nicol, appointed Fire Prevention Officer; and

That Procedure By-Law 2019-125 be waived to allow additional time for presentation of the report.



Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

That Council receive report CAO2024-016 - Fire Prevention Mid-Year Report 2024 for information.




Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

That report CAO2024-017 be received for information; and

That staff be directed to bring additional information to Council for use and uptake of dog parks in comparable municipalities; and

That staff be directed to engage the Shallow Lake Village Improvement Committee to determine the status of any fundraising or interest in fundraising should the project be supported; and

That staff be directed to include an analysis for the location of the dog park at the former Shallow Lake Ball Diamond and the Shallow Lake Community Centre.



Moved By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

That Council direct staff to submit comments on behalf of the Township in response to the circulation of the Notice of Commencement of Impact Assessment Submission of Bruce C Initial Project Description.



Moved By: Councillor Rick Winters
Seconded By: Councillor Cathy Moore Coburn

That Council hereby accepts the quote provided by Multiple Enterprises Inc, with an upset limit of $80,000 for the supply and installation of miscellaneous asphalt patches in the Township of Georgian Bluffs.



Moved By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice
Seconded By: Councillor Tobin Day

Whereas Special Events By-law 47-2013 requires approval of Council for events consisting of 1,000 people or more prior to issuance of a Special Events Permit;

Now therefore Special Events Permit 5-2024 be issued to Shouldice Stone for their Grand Opening Event on September 18, 2024.



Moved By: Councillor Tobin Day
Seconded By: Councillor Isaac Shouldice

That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs move into closed session at 6:26 p.m. in the Council Chambers with the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk, Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy CAO/Director of Corporate Services, and Director of Development and Infrastructure remaining in the room to discuss:

13.1    Adoption of Closed Minutes

13.1.1 Special Joint All Councils Meeting - August 8, 2024

13.2    a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board - Shared Planning Service Delivery






Further to notice of discussion provided by Councillor Rick Winters at the July 17, 2024 meeting of Council.

Further to notice of discussion provided by Councillor Rick Winters at the July 17, 2024 meeting of Council.

Further to notice of discussion provided by Councillor Tobin Day at the July 17, 2024 meeting of Council.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs move into closed session at _:__ p.m. in the Council Chambers with the CAO and Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk remaining in the room to discuss:

personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (open meeting exemption "b" of section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Mid-Term CAO Performance Review

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law No. 2024-044, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on September 11, 2024, be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Committee of the Whole - Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Special Council - Strategic Session - 2025 Priorities - Friday, September 27, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

Council - Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

No Item Selected