Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Agenda

Council Chambers
Township Administration Offices
177964 Grey Road 18, RR#3, Owen Sound ON N4K 5N5

Council Chambers are open to the public. Should you wish to participate electronically, contact the Clerk at [email protected]

To watch this meeting virtually, visit the Township of Georgian Bluffs' Council YouTube Channel 

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge with respect, the history, spirituality, and culture of the Anishinaabek: The People of the Three Fires known as Ojibway, Odawa, and Pottawatomi Nation, who have inhabited this land from time immemorial. And further give thanks to the Chippewas of Saugeen, and the Chippewas of Nawash, now known as the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, as the traditional keepers of this land. We also recognize, the Metis and Inuit whose ancestors shared this land and these waters. May we all, as Treaty People, live with respect on this land, and live-in peace and friendship with all its diverse peoples.

  • Recommendation:

    That the agenda be approved as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That the regular meeting of the Committee of the Whole be recessed to hold a public hearing for Z-11-23 for Judith and Thomas Nagel.

  • Recommendation:

    It has been demonstrated that Application Z-11-23 for Juduth and Thomas Nagel which proposes to re-zone the severed parcel created by Application B-18-23 to reduce the required lot frontage and to rezone the retained lands to prohibit the future construction of a new residential dwelling of any type, and to reduce  the side yard and rear yard setbacks for the severed lands is consistent with the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement, conforms with the County of Grey Official Plan, and maintains the general intent and purpose of the Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law 2020-020.

    Subject to a review of comments arising at the public meeting, it is recommended that Application Z-11-23 be approved, and the amending by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption.

2024 Draft Budget materials are appended to this item for public input.

Members of the public may register with the Clerk's Department to provide feedback on the 2024 Draft Budget. Each speaker will be allotted 5 minutes to address Council.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2019-125 - Procedure By-law be waived to allow a Public Input Session for the 2024 Draft Budget to be held; and

    That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs hereby moves into a Public Input Session at __:__p.m.

Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item on the agenda shall make written application to the Clerk, by 3:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. To register: or call the Clerk's Office at 519-376-2729 ext. 603.

Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item not on the agenda may make written application to the Clerk, by the Thursday preceding the meeting they wish to speak at. To register: or all the Clerk's Office at 519-376-2729 ext. 603.


  • Recommendation:

    That Council approve the form of draft by-law and franchise agreement attached as Schedule “A” to the report and authorizes the submission thereof to the Ontario Energy Board for approval pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of the Municipal Franchises Act; and

    That Council request that the Ontario Energy Board issue an Order declaring and directing that the assent of the municipal electors to the draft bylaw and franchise agreement attached as Schedule “A” to the report pertaining to the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs is not necessary pursuant to the provisions of Section 9(4) of the Municipal Franchises Act; and

    That staff be directed to present a by-law at a future meeting of Council authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the franchise agreement attached as Schedule “A” to the report.

  • Recommendation:

    That, pending approval of the 2024 Budget, staff be directed to allocate funding from the approved Climate Initiatives funding toward securing an Environmental Initiatives Officer for a 3-year term; and


    That Council add an additional $45,000 to the Climate Initiatives Budget to support this position; and


    That the projects included in the Budget Request 'Corporate Climate Action Plan Implementation' be priorities for the Environmental Initiatives Officer to address; and


    That a new Reserve be established to support the work of the Township in addressing Climate Change; and


    That 25% of any Operating Surplus from 2023 and subsequent years, be placed into this new Climate Change Reserve to fund initiatives directed by the Corporate Climate Action Plan; and


    That the Environmental Initiatives Officer be directed to explore all relevant external funding opportunities to advance, in Georgian Bluffs, the work of the Corporate Climate Action Plan, 'Committed to Change' and the Grey County Plan, 'Going Green in Grey'; and 


    That the Environmental Initiatives Officer be directed to work in partnership with Grey County and its member municipalities, and the communities in and around Georgian Bluffs to implement and contribute to education and demonstrating leadership in climate change addressing actions. 

  • Recommendation:

    That report COR2024-005 be received for information; and

    That Policy COU2024-01 – Council Correspondence Policy be approved and that staff be directed to present a by-law at the February 14, 2024 meeting of Council for adoption.

Council - February 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Committee of the Whole - February 21, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.