That, pending approval of the 2024 Budget, staff be directed to allocate funding from the approved Climate Initiatives funding toward securing an Environmental Initiatives Officer for a 3-year term; and
That Council add an additional $45,000 to the Climate Initiatives Budget to support this position; and
That the projects included in the Budget Request 'Corporate Climate Action Plan Implementation' be priorities for the Environmental Initiatives Officer to address; and
That a new Reserve be established to support the work of the Township in addressing Climate Change; and
That 25% of any Operating Surplus from 2023 and subsequent years, be placed into this new Climate Change Reserve to fund initiatives directed by the Corporate Climate Action Plan; and
That the Environmental Initiatives Officer be directed to explore all relevant external funding opportunities to advance, in Georgian Bluffs, the work of the Corporate Climate Action Plan, 'Committed to Change' and the Grey County Plan, 'Going Green in Grey'; and
That the Environmental Initiatives Officer be directed to work in partnership with Grey County and its member municipalities, and the communities in and around Georgian Bluffs to implement and contribute to education and demonstrating leadership in climate change addressing actions.